Phoenix Wedding Photographer

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Wedding Photography FAQs

We’ve been around the block long enough to know that in the months and weeks leading up to your wedding day you're likely to have all kinds of questions pop up. While we’re more than happy to answer any and all of these questions as they come up, we’ve gone ahead and put together a little list of the most frequently asked questions that we get leading up to wedding days. We hope this helps answer any little questions that you've got!

Wedding Photography FAQs

Q: How much time do we need for formal family photos? How about wedding portraits of the two of us? 

A: This is such a great question! Leading up to your wedding day we’ll have you put together a list of all of the formal family and wedding party photos that you would like to take place on your wedding day. We always recommend you have someone (a bridesmaid, cousin, aunt, etc.), on hand to help gather family members for photos if you want more than just your immediate family in photos. We normally recommend you reserve 30 minutes for immediate family photos. If you're planning on taking photos with extended family members as well, we suggest adding on an additional 15-30 minutes.

For photos of just the two of you, we prefer to have a minimum of 30 minutes with JUST you two. That being said, we’ll take as much time as you can give us. If you're doing a first look we also recommend reserving at least 15 minutes just after your first look for photos, and would love to sneak in 15-20 minutes worth of photos with you during sunset or golden hour if we can. Any time on top of that is great bonus time that we won't turn down!

Q: How do family photos work? 

A: Leading up to your wedding day we’ll have you put together a list of all of the formal family and wedding party photos that you would like to take place on your wedding day. We’ll be sure to send a guide your way of the most common family photo groupings, and the order that we suggest we complete these photos to make the most of our time together. A good number to keep in mind when planning time for formal family photos is that each grouping can take up to 2 minutes to gather everyone and pose them, compose, and take the photo. We always recommend you have someone (a bridesmaid, cousin, aunt, etc.), on hand to help gather family members for photos if you want more than just your immediate family in photos.

Q: How long will it take to get our photos back? 

A: We’ll be taking A LOT of photos on your wedding day. After your big day we’ll sit down to load and back your photos up before culling them down to the very best of the best photos from your day. Once we've got the very best of the best, we’ll begin the post-production on your images. All in all, your photos will be done 10-12 weeks after your wedding day. We’ll of course keep you updated on our progress, and will get your photos done and sent back your way just as quickly as we can.

Q: Will we own the copyright to our photos? 

A: With your digital downloads you will receive a right to reproduce your photos (print release). Because copyright has to do with who actually clicked the button to take the photo, we will ultimately retain the original copyright to your images, but again, you will receive the right to reproduce your photos when your photos are delivered. This also means that we’ll have a copy of your photos forever, just in case you need them.

Q: Are there limitations on how large we can print our photos? 

A: The print release that comes with your digital files lets you print your images as large as you please, from wherever you please.

Q: When will you arrive on our wedding day? 

A: This depends on how many hours you've booked us for. That being said, if at all possible we like to arrive for at least the last 30 minutes of getting ready time so we can be sure to grab any detail photos (dress, rings, invitations, etc.), in addition to a few staged hair and makeup photos and getting dressed photos.

Q: Do we need an engagement session? 

A: This is completely up to you. However, if you've never had photos taken together before, or are at all worried about being in front of the camera, we highly recommend that we do one. Not only will it give us all a chance to get comfortable working together before your wedding day, but it will also give you amazing images to use for your save the dates or wedding website.

Q: Can I ask you to stay late?

A: Any additional hours that you want to add on to your wedding day coverage must be added no later than 2 weeks before your wedding day so my team and I can make any arrangements that we need to (childcare, pet care, etc.)

Q: Do I need to provide dinner for you? 

A: Yes, please! We're more than happy to accept a vendor meal, but we do ask that you feed every member of our team during dinner (preferably right after you're served so we've gotten a chance to eat and are ready to photograph additional reception festivities when they start). If food isn't available for our team we do reserve the right to leave the premises for up to an hour to get food before continuing shooting your reception.

Q: Any general wedding day tips? 

A: Live in the moment, give your phone to someone else to manage for the day, don't sweat the small stuff!